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Monday 7 July 2014

Memorable moments of the day!

Please remember I am still prone in a hospital bed so any action is deemed as exciting....

It is useful to live in the moment, particularly after major abdominal surgery with problems, this includes being prosaic which can help you stay grounded and focused on your healing.

So I listed my memorable moments of the day, here there are (sorry about the crude language):

  1. I farted! (major achievement for my poor bashed and bruised bowel)
  2. I actually stood up for a while although had to cling on to my catheter bag on my right leg and the bag on my left side containing the blood that was draining from a hole in my abdomen (yuk!)
  3. My brother visited me in hospital and made me laugh (laughing really really hurts)
  4. I emptied my piss bag in the toilet, life skills are always worth adding to.
  5. A cloud shaped like a love heart appeared in the frame of my window - nice!
  6. Seagulls create good television if you like that sort of thing and have never watched television before and are shit bored!
  7. My lovely partner declared that hospital icecream is the best icecream (he has obviously never eaten gelato in Venice then!)
  8. The lovely health care assistant who brings me food and drink on a really noisy trolley is from Krakow, Poland (I love it there so we had a chat about the city and her home country)
  9. 5pm - 2 paracetamol and 2 codeine phosphate = better pain relief. Sunday is a slow drug day.
and now a view from my window - can you see any seagulls???

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